Tuesday, September 27, 2005


The sad and ugly side to public discussions

This old armadillo has never seen such hate and anger and terrible response from basically what as I know you want to speak your mind and feelings which is all well and good and a right in our great country, but to degrade another human is to degrade yourself.

Speak to the concepts, ideas, hate them talk about them don't just react to them as that is what the Public Relations and markting and Political handlers want from you for that anger just alowes them to steal that much more from you dollars and freedom.

But it’s the crude and primal retort to a issue, person or event is not in the art of discourse and the use of asking to see facts or looking for a truth to solve problems or gain insight of what or where to bring us to common goals in this short journey we call life.

Just remember the flag of this nation is not only red or blue but there is another color in the flag and that is the “white” field that holds the red and blue together.

It is the pure and the colorless also the very fabric of what this nation is all about. Reason, compassion, respect for all even if we do not agree or like each other, but a common bond of life in a republic and democracy where the individual is the citizen by choice.

I' would like to say that anger, disrespect and contempt for another human being who is just trying to live their life as best as he or she can with what each have learned in this short journey called life.

This attitude is not what I went to Korea for as Marine.
But to give all the right to be all they can be and the right to question the president for he is not a God because he collected more money

Nor is it the reason that over 59,000 good citizens and other men from other nations bleed to death for.

I feel sorry for all, when one says something about being uninformed and you see the very words used the animal side of muddled gray matter and in that you are the one that is egotistical as you show your lack of knowledge of the history of this great nation which allows you to make the very statements you do.

Just as I would like to remind you that if you were in China you would be locked up . or maybe you must be as they say a fifth columnist or a communist supporter and patron of the Wal-mart greed family and are happy that that we as a nation pay the communist Chinese $2 billion dollars and change in interest everyday to keep this country running and that Halliburton is stealing from your pocket everyday , and OOOps some one just lost another $! Billion dollars that was supposed to take care of training the Iraq police and army training. so I ask you in that you seem to know so much

Where did it go? Are you sure Martha Steward didn’t take it but we have a new lead it seems that the good doctor First is being investigated for stock insider trading?

Or it might be Michel Brown of FEMA fame in the competence of taken care of the Arabian horse business

Now that I would like to ask you also where are the WMD's and why is "Ben Laden" for the want of a better malapropos.

And the president holding hands with the Saudi prince of a nation that preaches all in there country to hate us it is a bit out of Kafka cockroach on the wall tail.

You should save your disgust for The great Vice President that told you to "Go ---- yourself" while the Bushville follies dance of screw the good folks of this country.

A foot note : I suggest for that you might want to check into the real world and look into a mirror at a face that needs a little nip and tuck and really care about the truth.

for all the PR has blinded another fine citizen into the twilight zone of Karl Rove reality. And a true communist in that his use of dialectical materialism .

The only lives being saved are Halliburton’s private contractors and the 15,000 private security guards.

While we do nothing to protect our boarders, just check it out for your self.

Go to www.whitehouseforsale.org / or PRwatch.org get the weekly spin newsletter.

How can you respect a liar and thief that sells this country

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


What Has Happened to Iraq’s Missing $1bn?

Good citizens, here’s how we need to pay for the problems in this country ... get all the money back from Halliburton and it’s private contractors they’ve stolen in rebuilding Iraq.
Let’s add a special surtax on the 69% of our major corporations that pay no taxes in this country for the very country that has made them rich also all executives that have taken the same tack...
Then we need to take 40% tax of the major oil corporations profits, and sur charge the Saudi prince’s profits from the business with the Bush family and business friends in the oil cartel....
We could all get a nice tax from all the pharmaceuticals companies that do business here and nationalize all holdings and bank accounts and assets (that is if we can do it before the Chinese nationalize all corporations doing business in china, and they call up a demand payment of all the money we’ve borrowed to finance our national operating costs and they ask for payment in full)?
Just for fun check this one new revelation of the training of the Iraq police force and Army???

maybe the Brits have the Info???

What Has Happened to Iraq’s Missing $1bn?
By Patrick Cockburn
The Independent UK
Monday 19 September 2005
One billion dollars has been plundered from Iraq’s defense ministry in one of the largest thefts in history, The Independent can reveal, leaving the country’s army to fight a savage insurgency with museum-piece weapons.
The money, intended to train and equip an Iraqi army capable of bringing security to a country shattered by the US-led invasion and prolonged rebellion, was instead siphoned abroad in cash and has disappeared.
“It is possibly one of the largest thefts in history,” Ail Allawi, Iraq’s Finance Minister, told The Independent.
“Huge amounts of money have disappeared. In return we got nothing but scraps of metal.”
The carefully planned theft has so weakened the army that it cannot hold Baghdad against insurgent attack without American military support, Iraqi officials say, making it difficult for the US to withdraw its 135,000- strong army from Iraq, as Washington says it wishes to do.
Most of the money was supposedly spent buying arms from Poland and Pakistan. The contracts were peculiar in four ways. According to Mr. Allawi, they were awarded without bidding, and were signed with a Baghdad-based company, and not directly with the foreign supplier. The money was paid up front, and, surprisingly for Iraq, it was paid at great speed out of the ministry’s account with the Central Bank. Military equipment purchased in Poland included 28-year-old Soviet-made helicopters. The manufacturers said they should have been scrapped after 25 years of service. Armored cars purchased by Iraq turned out to be so poorly made that even a bullet from an elderly AK-47 machine-gun could penetrate their armor. A shipment of the latest MP5 American machine-guns, at a cost of $3,500 (£1,900) each, consisted in reality of Egyptian copies worth only $200 a gun. Other armored cars leaked so much oil that they had to be abandoned. A deal was struck to buy 7.62mm machine-gun bullets for 16 cents each, although they should have cost between 4 and 6 cents.
Many Iraqi soldiers and police have died because they were not properly equipped. In Baghdad they often ride in civilian pick-up trucks vulnerable to gunfire, rocket- propelled grenades or roadside bombs. For months even men defusing bombs had no protection against blast because they worked without bullet-proof vests. These were often promised but never turned up.
The Iraqi Board of Supreme Audit says in a report to the Iraqi government that US-appointed Iraqi officials in the defense ministry allegedly presided over these dubious transactions.
Senior Iraqi officials now say they cannot understand how, if this is so, the disappearance of almost all the military procurement budget could have passed unnoticed by the US military in Baghdad and civilian advisers working in the defense ministry.
Government officials in Baghdad even suggest that the skill with which the robbery was organized suggests that the Iraqis involved were only front men, and “rogue elements” within the US military or intelligence services may have played a decisive role behind the scenes.
Given that building up an Iraqi army to replace American and British troops is a priority for Washington and London, the failure to notice that so much money was being siphoned off at the very least argues a high degree of negligence on the part of US officials and officers in Baghdad.
The report of the Board of Supreme Audit on the defense ministry contracts was presented to the office of Ibrahim al-Jaafari, the Prime Minister, in May. But the extent of the losses has become apparent only gradually. The sum missing was first reported as $300m and then $500m, but in fact it is at least twice as large. “If you compare the amount that was allegedly stolen of about $1bn compared with the budget of the ministry of defense, it is nearly 100 per cent of the ministry’s [procurement] budget that has gone Awol,” said Mr. Allawi.
The money missing from all ministries under the interim Iraqi government appointed by the US in June 2004 may turn out to be close to $2bn. Of a military procurement budget of $1.3bn, some $200m may have been spent on usable equipment, though this is a charitable view, say officials. As a result the Iraqi army has had to rely on cast-offs from the US military, and even these have been slow in coming.
Mr. Allawi says a further $500m to $600m has allegedly disappeared from the electricity, transport, interior and other ministries. This helps to explain why the supply of electricity in Baghdad has been so poor since the fall of Saddam Hussein 29 months ago despite claims by the US and subsequent Iraqi governments that they are doing everything to improve power generation.
The sum missing over an eight-month period in 2004 and 2005 is the equivalent of the $1.8bn that Saddam allegedly received in kick- backs under the UN’s oil-for-food program between 1997 and 2003. The UN was pilloried for not stopping this corruption. The US military is likely to be criticized over the latest scandal because it was far better placed than the UN to monitor corruption.
The fraud took place between 28 June 2004 and 28 February this year under the government of Iyad Allawi, who was interim prime minister. His ministers were appointed by the US envoy Robert Blackwell and his UN counterpart, Lakhdar Brahimi.
Among those whom the US promoted was a man who was previously a small businessman in London before the war, called Hazem Shaalan, who became Defense Minister.
Mr. Shalaan says that Paul Bremer, then US viceroy in Iraq, signed off the appointment of Ziyad Cattan as the defense ministry’s procurement chief. Mr. Cattan, of joint Polish-Iraqi nationality, spent 27 years in Europe, returning to Iraq two days before the war in 2003. He was hired by the US-led Coalition Provisional Authority and became a district councilor before moving to the defense ministry.
For eight months the ministry spent money without restraint. Contracts worth more than $5m should have been reviewed by a cabinet committee, but Mr. Shalaan asked for and received from the cabinet an exemption for the defense ministry. Missions abroad to acquire arms were generally led by Mr. Cattan. Contracts for large sums were short scribbles on a single piece of paper. Auditors have had difficulty working out with whom Iraq has a contract in Pakistan.
Authorities in Baghdad have issued an arrest warrant for Mr. Cattan. Neither he nor Mr. Shalaan, both believed to be in Jordan, could be reached for further comment. Mr. Bremer says he has never heard of Mr. Cattan.

Monday, September 12, 2005


An Armadillo insight found in an old glass bottle

Good citizens,

I wish you would see your way to check all Bush appointments to undersecretary’s and commission heads Résumé’s and that their qualifications and what corporations or business sectors or church afillations they have alonng with there real schooling?

This I ask only because that Karl Rove and the FEMA Director was a resume padder and liar as Bush is a liar and uses the PR Photo-op corporate Press Release ( I call the Karl Rove, Enron reality game).

My question is also The Cheney “Go ---- Yourself” leadership and the secret
Energy meeting that he held and will not allow any one to know who, what why or when, how the good citizens of this country are being “screwed by a gang of corporate wall street Enron type thugs?

Remember Watergate? Remember follow the money, which corporations are not investing in America and the people of this great nation?

I am a marine corps. vet from the Koran war and I’m insulted that when we Pay over $2,000,000,000.00 per day to run this country ,we sell them IBM and now we find out their hacking our basic military and business?

I have been a Democrat all my life now I see that I don’t trust even the democrats for I don’t know who is being bought off by some corporate or other entity ?

I have one simple question. Where are the men and women with honor and back bone to say enough is enough, No church state No Corporate deals, No to the likes of “The Chinese Wal-mart” “Halliburton” And the Oil cartels and the welfare corporations that do not pay taxes to support the very country that gave them their birth and opportunities?

How can The President allow the very nation that was part of the killing of good citizens and then embrace them and allow this nation to be indebted
To a Communist dictaorship that is raping and pillaging this nation because
of just plane stupid, blind corporate greed and say it’s in the name of God and a moral judgment of greed it is like the servant that had his debit forgiven but turns and makes those under him go to prison? .

The Chinese will not have to go to war with is for you can see they just have to call there notes of debit and tell all these corporations and the USA that they are nationalizing all foreign investments and make them State owned,

By the way just cross check the money people and presidential appointments. From this and the government database and tax returns?

www.whitehouseforsale.org / and check the family tree of the Halliburton Corp. and its relationship to Brown and Root and these other major contractors and the drug companys etc. etc.?

And John Roberts is just another Corporate Lawyer with a PR firm and Publicist spinning the wares please expose the fraud his success as being just like the padded presentation of self just like Michael Brown.

Enough said,

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