Monday, September 12, 2005


An Armadillo insight found in an old glass bottle

Good citizens,

I wish you would see your way to check all Bush appointments to undersecretary’s and commission heads Résumé’s and that their qualifications and what corporations or business sectors or church afillations they have alonng with there real schooling?

This I ask only because that Karl Rove and the FEMA Director was a resume padder and liar as Bush is a liar and uses the PR Photo-op corporate Press Release ( I call the Karl Rove, Enron reality game).

My question is also The Cheney “Go ---- Yourself” leadership and the secret
Energy meeting that he held and will not allow any one to know who, what why or when, how the good citizens of this country are being “screwed by a gang of corporate wall street Enron type thugs?

Remember Watergate? Remember follow the money, which corporations are not investing in America and the people of this great nation?

I am a marine corps. vet from the Koran war and I’m insulted that when we Pay over $2,000,000,000.00 per day to run this country ,we sell them IBM and now we find out their hacking our basic military and business?

I have been a Democrat all my life now I see that I don’t trust even the democrats for I don’t know who is being bought off by some corporate or other entity ?

I have one simple question. Where are the men and women with honor and back bone to say enough is enough, No church state No Corporate deals, No to the likes of “The Chinese Wal-mart” “Halliburton” And the Oil cartels and the welfare corporations that do not pay taxes to support the very country that gave them their birth and opportunities?

How can The President allow the very nation that was part of the killing of good citizens and then embrace them and allow this nation to be indebted
To a Communist dictaorship that is raping and pillaging this nation because
of just plane stupid, blind corporate greed and say it’s in the name of God and a moral judgment of greed it is like the servant that had his debit forgiven but turns and makes those under him go to prison? .

The Chinese will not have to go to war with is for you can see they just have to call there notes of debit and tell all these corporations and the USA that they are nationalizing all foreign investments and make them State owned,

By the way just cross check the money people and presidential appointments. From this and the government database and tax returns? / and check the family tree of the Halliburton Corp. and its relationship to Brown and Root and these other major contractors and the drug companys etc. etc.?

And John Roberts is just another Corporate Lawyer with a PR firm and Publicist spinning the wares please expose the fraud his success as being just like the padded presentation of self just like Michael Brown.

Enough said,

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