Tuesday, September 27, 2005


The sad and ugly side to public discussions

This old armadillo has never seen such hate and anger and terrible response from basically what as I know you want to speak your mind and feelings which is all well and good and a right in our great country, but to degrade another human is to degrade yourself.

Speak to the concepts, ideas, hate them talk about them don't just react to them as that is what the Public Relations and markting and Political handlers want from you for that anger just alowes them to steal that much more from you dollars and freedom.

But it’s the crude and primal retort to a issue, person or event is not in the art of discourse and the use of asking to see facts or looking for a truth to solve problems or gain insight of what or where to bring us to common goals in this short journey we call life.

Just remember the flag of this nation is not only red or blue but there is another color in the flag and that is the “white” field that holds the red and blue together.

It is the pure and the colorless also the very fabric of what this nation is all about. Reason, compassion, respect for all even if we do not agree or like each other, but a common bond of life in a republic and democracy where the individual is the citizen by choice.

I' would like to say that anger, disrespect and contempt for another human being who is just trying to live their life as best as he or she can with what each have learned in this short journey called life.

This attitude is not what I went to Korea for as Marine.
But to give all the right to be all they can be and the right to question the president for he is not a God because he collected more money

Nor is it the reason that over 59,000 good citizens and other men from other nations bleed to death for.

I feel sorry for all, when one says something about being uninformed and you see the very words used the animal side of muddled gray matter and in that you are the one that is egotistical as you show your lack of knowledge of the history of this great nation which allows you to make the very statements you do.

Just as I would like to remind you that if you were in China you would be locked up . or maybe you must be as they say a fifth columnist or a communist supporter and patron of the Wal-mart greed family and are happy that that we as a nation pay the communist Chinese $2 billion dollars and change in interest everyday to keep this country running and that Halliburton is stealing from your pocket everyday , and OOOps some one just lost another $! Billion dollars that was supposed to take care of training the Iraq police and army training. so I ask you in that you seem to know so much

Where did it go? Are you sure Martha Steward didn’t take it but we have a new lead it seems that the good doctor First is being investigated for stock insider trading?

Or it might be Michel Brown of FEMA fame in the competence of taken care of the Arabian horse business

Now that I would like to ask you also where are the WMD's and why is "Ben Laden" for the want of a better malapropos.

And the president holding hands with the Saudi prince of a nation that preaches all in there country to hate us it is a bit out of Kafka cockroach on the wall tail.

You should save your disgust for The great Vice President that told you to "Go ---- yourself" while the Bushville follies dance of screw the good folks of this country.

A foot note : I suggest for that you might want to check into the real world and look into a mirror at a face that needs a little nip and tuck and really care about the truth.

for all the PR has blinded another fine citizen into the twilight zone of Karl Rove reality. And a true communist in that his use of dialectical materialism .

The only lives being saved are Halliburton’s private contractors and the 15,000 private security guards.

While we do nothing to protect our boarders, just check it out for your self.

Go to www.whitehouseforsale.org / or PRwatch.org get the weekly spin newsletter.

How can you respect a liar and thief that sells this country

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