Sunday, January 11, 2009



Of human kind “garbage” from a different point of view? say maybe a reverse point of view to where it started and develop a new vision and point of view of how and what the cave man recycled for use and in the nature of things that was his state of being? create a new image of self and the system of self proliferation. was it a “grunt and chip ” communication and a shaman’s desire for power? what happened in the cave to set values for reuse in his every day moment and the design of the need for a new tool or grunt or a picture on the wall ?_disruptive thought !_a STAR TRECH recycle bin 0r maybe a recorder for the environment? a new science there could be even great wealth , honor and history? just another suppose from the introdignn’s of the famous armadillo ‘barrow a. Dillo”_get your gray matter going the time is now__

it’s a science not a grunt or science but a real Kafka state of being looking for that redefines the world. so look at what is there you don’t see in all the Zen in this journey we are on called life.__.

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