Sunday, August 07, 2005


Armadillo found a new set of freedom glyphs

The great Armadillo found a new set of glyphs that when decoded say that it was created by a GOP faction in order to confuse and misdirect so as to focus attention to the emotional side and to look at this wag the dog war that keeps on spilling the blood of good men.

It means that you should read and study the glyphs and the meaning of separation of church and state.

No one has the right to tell another what to do in a democracy for that is what has made this a great country the republic has grown to be.

If you want this as a law the next concept is they will decide that all men need two wives one for pleasure and one for work and one child per family just like communist china where all the jobs and factories are going now.

Happiness is a Wal-Mart on the block.

May be they will also create marriage laws like the Islamic law where the husband has a right to beat his wife and if he feels like the wife brings dishonor to the family they can cut your head of and not even break a sweat over it.

So if it is your desire to be hetro do it! Be proud of it and as God said live by example and cast no stone at another only if you are without sin your self, so stop trying to run other peoples life's and concentrate on being the best you can be. It is not you place to judge another as that is for each in his own closet and soul, spirit or God to deal with.

I hope you realize that you are a stat, a pebble, a nothing in time as the system tells you what and where to buy along with what to eat, drink and add infinity for in the nelson ratings you are an age group that like this color and that brand and sell you sanitary personal products at lunch and dinner time and create a sports logo and tag line and a bunch of expert black briefcase men in suits with a flag and button in the lapel telling you some opinion. So you can hate or love what ever and assume to please yourself, for they know if you really knew that to assume is to make an ass of you and me.

They all want you in this mode for you are a perfect consumer and you would probably sell your soul to be humiliated on Jerry Springer or be made a fool of your soul on a hot reality show for that 15 minutes of "fame."

We all ready have a president that is a liar and a vice president that has a toilet tong with no apologies and TV that wants you to buy medicines that tout a cure, but the side effects will kill you.
on top of all this there are 40,000,000 people who can't read or write and another 52,000,000 that can't tell the difference in price signs in a grocery store.

Add to this the 25% of the population that live on starvation diet, and the lack of money for children in education and a lunch at school may be all they have to eat all day. The fear of terror by Homeland Security is a Tom Ridge (donated over $200,000.00 to the bush reelection fund) joke, when 88 illegal can fly on the same airplane from one coast to another yet you are almost strip searched at the airport mean while they are coming across the southern boarder by the thousands and know one knows where they are, it could be a whole army of terrorists could be in the very house next door, mean while he gives out a ten Billion dollar contract of your tax dollars to a foreign company that happens to be owned by the foreign company with the name of Arthur Anderson that was put out of business because of Enron?

How about all those that are spilling the blood to keep this country "free" from right wing religious nuts that don't even believe in being a christen while trying so hard to make and sell others on there believe so they can sell themselves that they are believers.

I say to you all get a life and look at the real problems around yourselves do something positive go out a take care of all the children in need, the hungry, the disabled, the elderly, save this democracy in honor of the for fathers and the blood that was spilled to protect the freedoms of all.

I will call and tell them to vote against any amendment to the constitution and work as hard as I can to see that that they are not elected to office again.

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