Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Replacing 200-foot Wisconsin flagpole

I'm a Korean Veteran (Marine Corps) disabled

An I believe this is a total waste of money, why not honor the military by giving them there jobs back and giving money to help their families and children, healthcare as This administration promised But has cut all services to the men and there families along with not funding any of the promises. Just check out the web site

This is a 100 year "wag the dog war" For the profit of the Bushville follies boyz doing the dance for the oil dollar, greed and power,

While our good citizens die in Iraq and this president sells out our country with an over a billion dollar a day in interest payment of our tax dollars along with the tax payers paying for their employees healthcare at Wal-mart and over 60% of all the products in the store come from Chinese Communist .

Now MSW, is selling out along with the others the very moral values of the very flag that has been put in the blood of a war based on lies.

In over 200 hundred years as a matter of honor we've never attacked another nation we have been honored and our democracy has set a standard.

I know that 911 and terrorism changed our world, but the principals of this nation have bleed to preserve our republican democracy,

That's America this is not just a blue and red states these colors are on a white field of no color with all being equal.

As a Korean vet and a peace treaty was never signed, it is an insult and not an act of a patriot for if any moral will mother blew that pole over for she was out of shame.

Folks need to put the Chinese Communist flag along with the over 69% of the major Corporate followers that pay no taxes to support this nation.
And that is a shame.

Check out where all your tax money goes I bet you find it to Halliburton war effort, and seems to be a Karl Rove fan and get in on the Bush Buck Band wagon of greed

Of course these are just the observations of an old armadillo trying to translate these old glyphs found while digging in an old place they called a center or what ever

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